Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Gabrielle Giffords Accomplishes Another Milestone shares Gabrielle Giffords amazing recovery.

Most of you have probably already heard of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and the traumatic event she endured. But, I’ll recap for those of you who don’t know what occurred:

While hosting a political event in Tucson, Arizona, gunman, Jared Loughner, opened fire. He shot Giffords in the head within a meter’s distance and the bullet went through her brain. Jared killed six people and left Gifford’s in critical condition. She had experienced a traumatic brain injury and her chances of survival looked bleak. Many predicted that Giffords would be in a vegetative state for the rest of her life, at best.

But, this woman is a fighter and she has far surpassed everyone’s expectations. She has had several milestones throughout the recovery process. Just a few days after the shooting, Giffords was able to sit up on her own. Today, although talking is a struggle, she is able to hold conversations with others. But perhaps her most touching milestone was when Giffords made her first public appearance at an award ceremony honoring her husband, a retired astronaut. Giffords received a standing ovation when she was able to stand on her own and wave to the crowd.

I couldn’t imagine being under public scrutiny throughout the recovery process, but Giffords certainly handles it with poise and grace.

Check out the video below from CBS News.

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