Friday, October 7, 2011

Steve Jobs’ Impact on the Disabled

When you think Steve Jobs, you probably don’t think of people with disabilities. Instead, you probably think of cool Apple gadgets like the iPad or iTunes. However, Tim Carmody recently wrote an article titled ‘This Stuff Doesn’t Change the World’: Disability and Steve Jobs’ Legacy that shows just how deep of an impact Jobs had on society, specifically those with a disability.
Carmody found out Jobs had passed while on his way to visit his son, who is autistic and depends on his iPod Touch to communicate. He explains that the iPod has forever changed his son’s life and allows him to interact with others at times when he wouldn’t have been able to on his own. From touch screens to voice commands, Apple has done wonders for those with disabilities. And the response from readers proves this.
One reader responded to the article by saying:
“My niece uses an iPad to communicate with us following a traumatic brain injury that has left her unable to speak, at least for the time being. Yes, it takes therapists and family members working hard to make this work. The blessing this device has been to all of us is hard to put into words. We are thankful to Steve Jobs and the Apple organization and app developers for making this all come together.”
There were several other touching responses similar to the one above that give others insight on how disabled people depend on Apple products for everyday life. Be sure to take a look at the article!

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